Photos by Cape Breton Properties
Here you can find some sample photos taken and edited by Cape Breton Properties to advertise our customer’s real estate located on the European Market.
Many more photos and aerial videos you can find on the actual website in German language here:
If you want to go straight to the listing page in German, please click here.
A brief summary of some videos made by Cape Breton Properties and posted for real estate sellers in Nova Scotia on the European YouTube channels you can find here.
Our Office Location
South Side Whycocomagh Bay
Cape Breton Island
Nova Scotia
Company Details
Cape Breton Properties
Marketing IT Service Inc.
Call in CANADA
Contact Roland
+1 902 756 2865
Mon - Fri,
9:00-4:00pm AST
Call us in Germany
Representative in Germany:
Mr. Günter Pflugbeil
07724 - 91 83 27
Mon - Fri,
9:00-4:00pm MEZ
Call us in Austria
Representative in Austria:
Ms. Brigitte Luxbauer
0 7711 - 27 77
Mon - Fri,
9:00-4:00pm AST
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- Stone & other Houses
- Bras d'Or & Landscape
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